
Comments from Parents:

“I couldn’t believe how by just playing and following my child’s lead in play for five minutes a day led to him being able to sit and concentrate and finally listen.”

“It is so good to be able to see all the things that are working in what I do to help my child to talk. Keena was able to understand my perspective and then provide theory and information which helped me to understand exactly where my child is in his development of talking and the next stage that is expected.

“It helped me to see exactly who I am when playing with my child and the little things I do that really help. The whole experience was very interesting and a great learning experience”.

“Watching myself on video was nerve wracking at first, but once I could see what my child was able to do and how he was trying to communicate, it all made so much sense”.

“It felt good to be able to really talk about my child whilst jointly watching them on T.V. I felt that the work we were doing was completely focused on us, not on general ideas. Being listened to and understood was so cathartic”.

“It was so nice to be able to just play and not think about talking. It’s intriguing how talking develops so quickly if as an adult you respond at just the right time”.

“I couldn’t believe how simple the ‘strategies’ were. I was already doing them and didn’t know it”.

“The sessions my son had with Keena were excellent! He really enjoyed them and I learned a lot of useful tips on how best to help him at home. I'm delighted to say that he no longer requires speech therapy and I think that is largely thanks to Keena”

“Keena had a very good rapport with our son and he really enjoyed working with her. He made excellent progress under her guidance and is now very articulate for a child of his age and has done well at school”.

“We learnt early on that our son had disordered language development and would need support in school on an ongoing basis, but it really helped seeing that we as parents had the skills to support his development, particularly since Keena was able to use the video to explain what his skills were, how he was developing and what I was doing to help”.

Comments from Speech and Language Therapists
following Video Interaction Courses:

“Thank you for 'inspiring' the team. I have never had so much positive feedback about a course and some of the feedback has been that it was not just the technique of PCI but your approach to working with families that has really made people reflect on their interactions with parents. The course has kick started some very interesting discussions about how we are currently working and that has to be a positive thing”
Speech and Language Therapy Co-ordinator, Integrated Children's Centres

“Your enthusiasm and knowledge of your subject inspired us all. We found the mixture of brain-storming, information discussion and video just right “.
Speech and Language therapy Early Years Manager

“Your course certainly gave us a boost in skills & has informed a lot of our service developments”.
SLT schools service manager

Teacher comments
following training in using the Teachers video Self-reflection tool.

“I felt empowered to hear someone else listing my strengths, it made me realise the positives that I had missed and gave me a much needed confidence boost”.

“Keena was great she made us feel very calm and relaxed”.

“It showed me things I didn’t know I was so good at”.

“It gave me extra things to think about”.

“I am now even more able to adapt my teaching style in order to allow more from the children”

“It has helped me to become more reflective and I am able to support my colleagues without feeling judgemental”.

“The video allows us to see our own strengths and weaknesses and the group sessions allow us to see other peoples’ strengths so that we are able to exchange support and advice”.

“It has supported us in our professional development in terms of individual and whole foundation stage targets, for example first we worked on use of praise , now we have begun focusing on our verbal interactions/questioning techniques”.

“It has made us more open and transparent with each other about our own practice”

“Huge changes have been made, especially for children with Special Needs, which has had a positive knock on effect on the rest of the class”.

“I can use the video to analyse my developing skills over time”

“I can now tap on colleagues’ good practice which in turn enriches my teaching”

“It was nerve –wracking at first but with constant practice it has become a routine which one does with pride and good intentions in mind”

“Children are now contributing more in class”.

“I have seen a huge improvement in my class as a whole as well as in individual children.  The class is now staying focused for longer during group time.  They are responding far more positively to both myself and my TA and we feel like a tighter unit.”

“Video self reflection  is an excellent Professional development tool that came along at the perfect time. I feel a lot more confident and this has created a positive spiral within my classroom”

“Through doing this I have been able to recognise that I’m actually doing a lot of things right and have been able to break down the things that I need to work on into realistic and manageable targets”

“The supported evaluation session was very useful – it was informal, relaxed, interactive and very informative” .

“My good practice that I had always taken for granted was acclaimed”.

“It showed me how to reflect on my practice in a positive and not invading way”